Our Promises to You
Allow only sensible development
Ensure residents have a voice in the next round of affordable housing so development is at a size and scale appropriate for our historic town. Resist influence from county and state officials by fighting for what makes sense in Millburn for Millburn residents.
Safeguard exceptional schools
Demand proper school impact studies before approving any new development, partner with the Board of Ed to understand historical trends and to share limited resources (e.g., fields), avoid payment in lieu of taxes programs for new development which limits funding to schools.
Reduce crime, improve pedestrian safety
Commission proper workforce supply studies to understand the amount of police and fire personnel needed, require developers to study impacts of new development on pedestrian safety.
Protect our property values
Maintain the bucolic, small town feel that many residents moved here for; demand that any new development collects tax revenue, protect Township property from being handed out to developers (e.g., prevent repeat of the DPW site fiasco).
Preserve our landmarks, history, and environment
Respect our stewards who envisioned our community to be of people who love nature. Follow laws when it comes to historical preservation and implementing affordable housing mandates (not overbuilding and acquiescing to exaggerated state demands). Work with key stakeholders to develop a sustainable community plan to articulate a forward-looking vision and action plan for achieving a more sustainable and environmentally friendly community.
Nurture our diversity
Ensure that all new development is inclusive, not exclusive; celebrate our differences and populate boards and commissions in town with qualified volunteers, not party puppets.
Deal with vital local issues over Party politics
Resist influence from county and state politicians. Always ask what's best for Millburn and provide a voice to the residents over any Party orthodoxy.
Never lose sight of the real bottom line - children are our legacy.
We all know in our hearts that the toughest job is being a parent.